How to start your Paint Pens

How to start your Paint Pens

Lets chat how to start your pens     1. PEEL the plastic off your pen, there is a reason why! Many people twist the plastic off and that action can loosen the pen barrel off from the tip area with the lid.If you twist them apart slightly then they can separate...
How to store your Paint Pens

How to store your Paint Pens

Lets chat how to store your Paint Pens How should you store your paint Pens? This is something you are going to get many different opinions on. Some Paint Pen companies say upright some say horizontal. We store our paint Pens horizontal (sideways) WHY? It was logic...
Dry & Blocked Pen Nibs

Dry & Blocked Pen Nibs

Do your Pens flood as you paint with them? This is becasue the tip is blocked so the paint oozes out the side.Or maybe your pen nib is dry and no paint comes out – it just needs hydrating! These issues and more can be resolved with the techniques we share here....
How to paint colour on your rock

How to paint colour on your rock

It is time to add the colour to your rock and on our rocks we keep that as simple as possible. The more unwanted layers on your rock it can lead to cracking and the colour peeling off. Painting light even layers with your colour is key. It can be acrylic paint or...
Shark ! easy rock painting tutorial – rock 11.

Shark ! easy rock painting tutorial – rock 11.

This one was painted as I live on the coast of the Great Barrier Reef. We are known for great White Sharks in Australia. This is such a fun rock to be hidden in our area as we have many tourists who absolutely love finding a shark rock hidden along their walkways....