by Anne | Jan 25, 2021 | Tutorials, Under the Water - Fresh & Ocean
Orcas, or killer whales, are the largest of the dolphins and one of the world’s most powerful predators. They’re immediately recognizable by their distinctive black-and-white coloring. I still remember the fascination of these creatures from the day I...
by Anne | Jan 25, 2021 | Tutorials, Under the Water - Fresh & Ocean
Baby Seahorse with mini collage drawing steps – you can’t go wrong with metallic pens love my Posca Metallics I started with a paint splattered as I had done leftover paint the other day so I just splattered it in some rocks – you just never know when you...
by Anne | Jan 25, 2021 | Tutorials, Under the Water - Fresh & Ocean
Baby Otters Rosie shared with me about a new Otter Pup that was born in her local river so just had to paint a rock to celebrate In case you don’t know I’m a tad otter obsessed ….. Hope you enjoy creating this wee Otter what animal are you obsessed with? Use a...
by Anne | Jan 25, 2021 | Tutorials, Under the Water - Fresh & Ocean
Hervey Bay Rockers was who I thought of straight away for this rock when I saw this image by Zagory I had to paint it on a rock! Big shout out to our friends in whale watching country hope you like this one . I’ve missed taking a picture pre- colour step, but I have...
by Anne | Jan 25, 2021 | Fashion, Tutorials
It had to happen … My dear friends wish me luck – I’m off to the plaza to shop, and those that know me understand this is my worst nightmare…. ‘The Kid’ turns 14 today and her big brother 4300km away thought it a great idea to send visa credit cards...