Masquerade Mask Love from Anne

Masquerade Mask Love from Anne

Masquerade Mask … a long rock …. two pens… a rock created just for me I have such a fascination with these masks .. and memories of pushing all my boundaries in my first art exploration of creating one . Years ago I decided I wanted to teach...
Vintage Red Carpet Gown by Fran

Vintage Red Carpet Gown by Fran

So I was really busy today binge watching ‘Project Runway’ & the only thing that made me step away to create a tutorial was when I threw down a challenge to myself…a fashion rock! And worrying about faces on this one? Heck no, it’s all about the folds in the...
Antique Sewing Machine – Love from Anne

Antique Sewing Machine – Love from Anne

Sewing Machine request is for Ellie I had to do an old black singer, so many memories! I love to sew, come from a long lineage of sewers and my kids have gone on to sew ….and I had a sewing training centre . Unlike any other of course – In Nepal my...
Pea Pun Rocks by Fran

Pea Pun Rocks by Fran

Good Morning Rock Painters! Such a beautiful day! Here’s my next tutorial……peas feel free to have a go……can you come up with any new Pea pun rocks…..I’d love to see them….peacause they are super cute! Use a black colour pen and...
Otterly Gorgeous by Fran

Otterly Gorgeous by Fran

These cute little otters came to me in my Facebook feed in the form of advertising for Kawaii stickers for sale. We all get painting blocks sometimes…I’ve had one for a couple of days because I painted a rock I really loved and felt like I needed to do something...