We Can Be Heroes Bowie – Love from Anne

We Can Be Heroes Bowie – Love from Anne

I’ve got a few requests that never got into the 50 rock challenge but they were created so I’m sharing those this afternoon with you! David Bowie requested by Bria Use a black colour pen and outline  the image, Great pens for outlines are Posca 1m, !mr or the 0.7m...
Sea Turtle Silhouette by Anne

Sea Turtle Silhouette by Anne

Sea Turtle silhouette – have you seen one in the ocean ? We did once snorkeling by the Gili Islands off the coast of Bali. And the GoPro battery died but we had no idea it had … but as a family we did tease each other with – likely story you know the...
Easy Camera Rock Painting Tutorial

Easy Camera Rock Painting Tutorial

Of course I had to paint a camera rock … I’m a photographer’s brat ! My dad is an award winning Australian photographer and has been for 50 odd years and still on the go Where did I grow up ? In the darkroom of course sitting on the benches , while my folks did...