by Anne | Feb 4, 2021 | Tutorials, Under the Water - Fresh & Ocean
Yesterday bubbles tutorial used on today’s pet goldfish – I like him … and we all know I Looove orange How are using your bubbles from yesterday’s tutorial? Give this guy a paint I think he is big fun and can’t wait to see heaps of him being...
by Anne | Feb 4, 2021 | Inspirational Quote Rocks, Tutorials
FAKE mixed media rock using one product – Mixed media art refers to a visual art form that combines a variety of media in a single artwork. For example, if you draw with ink, then paint over it with watercolors, then add some highlights in colored pencil –...
by Anne | Feb 4, 2021 | Gnomes, Fairies, Mermaids & magical beings, Tutorials
Let’s put out great positive vibes and rock creations for a positive journey along the adventure for one of my closest friends Lisa who has finally decided to try to fall pregnant after a long journey through polycystic ovarian syndrome? Well this rock covers all...