by Anne | Apr 10, 2021 | Birds, Tutorials
I was going to call this my 3 pen Flamingo Rock….. but just because the photo shows 3 does not make it so – I forgot to put the black pen in the photo so it’s my 4 pen rock If I get 15 flamingo rocks you’ve painted in the Facebook comments, I can be...
by Anne | Apr 10, 2021 | Gnomes, Fairies, Mermaids & magical beings, Tutorials
I love doors Do you? I’m that person who goes on trips away and their photos are filled with pictures of doors . I’ve had the best chats and cups of teas with people in Nepal on their front door step . Just stop and start chatting and not long after a sweet spicy...
by Anne | Apr 10, 2021 | Professions & People, Tutorials
Crochet Lady – What other hobbies do you have? Mine is crochet so when this image was shared in my crochet group I had to paint it ! Background , dip your pen is water and drippy scribble it on rock and just leave it to dry the hands on hook looked awful...
by Anne | Apr 10, 2021 | Natures Beauty - Plants, Flowers , Trees ...., Tutorials
Dandylions How cute are these wee flowers To get the washed out colours, dip your pens in water and scribble/colour the areas. Do one let it dry then try the next circle of colour. If you do them all at the same time and the colours are wet at the same today they...
by Anne | Apr 10, 2021 | Filigree, Lines and Swirls, Tutorials
aMoon Dangles – Painting on dark rocks ….. Mmm someone said to me the other day the pens only worked for me as I use light rocks – not so … I choose to do tutorials on light rocks as it is easier to take photos . But I want to assure you...