Cat Trio Rock Painting Tutorial

Cat Trio Rock Painting Tutorial

Did you know what is better than a cat on a rock? Yep that’s right THREE cats on a rock – winning Now jump that up a level in Love and it is my favourite colours – Oranges and Browns. I have created a video for you to follow but it is all straight...
Fall Bear & Tree by Fran

Fall Bear & Tree by Fran

Fall Bear (autumn bear) This Bear is for all the folk in other parts of the world where Autumn has just started. My bear started from clip art inspiration, I saw a bear shape I liked and then made it my own…….I wanted a stylised tree that captured the...
This otter is so cute – Love from Anne

This otter is so cute – Love from Anne

My favourite animal has to be an otter They are so darling I always joke and say when I grow up I’m getting a pool full of otters- I could watch them forever. How cute that they carry their own rock in their pouch to crack open shellfish . And hold hands to sleep so...