Curly Sheep – Love from Anne

Curly Sheep – Love from Anne

Curly Fluffy Sheep – I keep coming back and painting them ! I think it is from our family addiction of watching ‘Our Yorkshire Farm’ on tv. It is a documentary series following life on a remote sheep farm in Yorkshire. Starring Parents Clive &...
Everything will be ok Rock Painting Tutorial

Everything will be ok Rock Painting Tutorial

Here is a video that shows an easy scribbly way to create the waterwash look. Everything will be OkayThis is a fabulous Rock to leave in your community, just a little reminder for someone – who knows who is meant to hear this.  When you create thick layers of...
Cat sleeping on book pile – Love from Anne

Cat sleeping on book pile – Love from Anne

All cat owners in the room get this one! Oh my , it does not matter what I’m trying to do … that annoyer cat has to plonk down right on top of it all ! I’m researching atm with piles of books on my desk and yep she’s sleeping in them . I suppose I should not complain...