Poppy bird rock painting tutorial

Poppy bird rock painting tutorial

Bird & Poppy created by Anne Whitlock – Kriayts A poppy for my Grandad who fought on the Kokoda Trail in PNG WW2, the rock is created for Remembrance day 11.11.22. Instead of wearing a poppy that day I have painted a rock for my Daa and this wee birdy can...
Joy Angel rock painting tutorial

Joy Angel rock painting tutorial

Joy ~ Blessed ~ Love I shall share this one today with a friend that has had a bad week. She was done on one of my pre painted rocks. Little but has a powerful message. Shine bright my friends, Shine bright Have you joined our Rock Painting course yet ?  CLICK HERE...
Self Car Hug rock painting tutorial

Self Car Hug rock painting tutorial

Self Care Rock Painting Tutorial Give yourself a fabulous BIG HUG you deserve one Inspired by Dorky Doodles Gorgeous ones – Shine as bright as you can today! The world needs to see your light, odd socks and all ! Have you joined our Rock Painting course yet ?...