Joy Peace Love Christmas rock tutorial

Joy Peace Love Christmas rock tutorial

Joy Love Peace created by Anne Whitlock – Kriayts I have a few more days to create Christmas rocks, my daughter is performing at the Carols Night so i am creating a whole heap for the kids to hide there. I think I have 3-4 more left in me hahaha Draw the design...
Snoopy Christmas

Snoopy Christmas

Snoopy Christmas created by Anne Whitlock – Kriayts What do you do when you just keep on colouring and you fill in some places that are not meant to be coloured in… Spot it! Do not panic – let it dry. Then paint over the top and the situation is all...
Koala Santa rock painting tutorial

Koala Santa rock painting tutorial

hey ho ho ho from Australia!! Nothing like a Santa Koala. This one is for my friend @Elaine Nelson Draw the design on your rock.  CLICK HERE to learn how to transfer your image on to your rock.  Colour on your rock – I have painted a nice even layer. You do not want...