Happy Dog rock painting tutorial

Happy Dog rock painting tutorial

Golden…what? created by Anne Whitlock – Kriayts This is the local wandering dog. He looks like a Golden Retriever but is a bit curly – I looked online at Goldendoodles but I just think this one I see about the neighborhood is a Bitsa not of the pure...
Posh Poodle rock painting tutorial

Posh Poodle rock painting tutorial

Posh Poodle created by Anne Whitlock – Kriayts, inspired by Whipper Snapper Tot Tot Tot Tot Tot that is the sound of a posh dog totting down the path on an adventure. And this is NOT what Bobdog looked or sounded like after his wild escape across the paddock...
Pet Trio Rock Painting Tutorial

Pet Trio Rock Painting Tutorial

My Crazy pet trioBobdog – Queen Beatrice & Hedwig. It is this weird love hate relationship. They can’t live without each other. But are crazy together.  Everyone was out last night and I was unwell so popped off to bed early. This totally confused our...
Cheesy Bob Dog

Cheesy Bob Dog

Happy Bobdog This was my rock for the theme SMILE in my local drop group. For those of you who want to understand how to create each step I use – 4 steps to rock painting 1. Drawing 2. Colour 3. Shading your rock 4. Outlines and Highlights Have you joined us on...
Dog Mum

Dog Mum

Doggy Mum rock for my gorgeous friend inspired by Elo7 My Bodog has siblings! The next litter was born and I got to visit them yesterday . 4 wk old puppies already how lucky am I my friend is an ethical breeder of Shihtzu puppies This means puppy spam , photos, videos...
Snoopy, Send Tea!

Snoopy, Send Tea!

😵‍💫Send Tea 😮‍💨😵‍💫 The worst part about a sick household? You can’t call out to anyone to bring tea It’s been an interesting week indeed …. For those of you who want to understand how to create each step I use – 4 steps to rock painting 1. Drawing 2. Colour 3....