Cat trio in a teacup rock painting tutorial

Cat trio in a teacup rock painting tutorial

Forgot to photograph my drawing step Whoops sorry enjoy creating and always SHINE I would like to invite you to join our online rock painting course it is a $15 donation to a charity I personally founded – You will learn from over 55 online video tutorials &...
Cute Mouse rock painting tutorial

Cute Mouse rock painting tutorial

How about a cute wee mousa , we just saw one running across the back field behind us. Of course we informed her to not come in our house and stay with the flowers in her paddock The fields around us in Nepal are being ploughed for the new crops. So much disturbance...
Bluebird of Happiness rock painting tutorial

Bluebird of Happiness rock painting tutorial

Bluebird of happiness bringing you a love message. Don’t forget you are amazing! Keep shining and sharing your art here with us , it is a joy to see  Inspired by Fati Pictues Have you joined our Rock Painting course yet ?  CLICK HERE Have you joined us on Social...
That Rooster ! Rock painting tutorial

That Rooster ! Rock painting tutorial

Inspired by Mundo Ilusion Diserios So they say Roosters, wake up early … I get that, I am usually awake with them when they start the crowing. Now let me tell you about Nepali Roosters – They CANNOT tell the time – not by the sun and they defiantly...
Sleeping Panda rock painting tutorial

Sleeping Panda rock painting tutorial

How I feel right now  who said to clean out the tool cupboard and under the sink . Both places need to be avoided at all costs or this happens…… I’m safe for another year I guess  Inspired by Joy 2019 as was signed off on the painting . The upside to clean out ? I...
Leo the Lion rock painting tutorial

Leo the Lion rock painting tutorial

Awwww Leo the Lion   Inspired by Tracey Hey , created in my favourite colours    Have a fabulous day !I would like to invite you to join our online rock painting course it is a $15 donation to a charity I personally founded –  You will learn from over 55...