Mouse on a Plane Rock Painting Tutorial

Mouse on a Plane Rock Painting Tutorial

Cute mouse on a plane created by Anne Whitlock – Kriayts inspired by Whipper Snapper Who loves flying? Meeeeee! A plane flew over me an hour or so ago and I got that oh yay ‘lets go’ feeling. Then thought oh the only thing on my agenda today is the...
Cute Kind Panda Rock Painting Tutorial

Cute Kind Panda Rock Painting Tutorial

King Panda Bear created by Anne Whitlock – Kriayts inspired by Makerist Such a cute wee bloke, clueless…. but cute Draw the design on your rock.  CLICK HERE to learn how to transfer your image on to your rock.  Colour on your rock – I have painted a nice...
Cute Panda Bear Rock painting Tutorial

Cute Panda Bear Rock painting Tutorial

Cute Panda created by Anne Whitlock – Kriayts inspired by inspired by Shutterstock AlsuSh I think it is just going to be a Bear kinda week! Another panda cutie for you to try Have a beautiful Day and SHINE bright Draw the design on your rock.  CLICK HERE to...