by Anne | Mar 28, 2022 | Reptiles & Amphibians, Tutorials
Chameleon inspired by Vecteezy Chameleons change the color of their skin to match the environment. This one is trying to hide among my favourite paint pen colours . What are your favourite colours that you will paint your chameleon? Have an awesome day being you!...
by Anne | Mar 28, 2022 | Sky, Sunshine & Rainbows, Tutorials
Rainbows & Sunshine Inspired by The Universe Love it when the Universe rewards you with a rainbow don’t you? I received this cute little pocket card yesterday with this design on it . Then woke to a beautiful rainbow in the valley . So yes it’s definitely the day...
by Anne | Mar 28, 2022 | Food, Tutorials
Anne’s 50th- Online Art retreat I will be sharing with you via online videos 35 fabulous art classes – 9 x Mixed Media 5 x Rocks 21 x Journal pages You decide if you want to make 1 or make them all ! They are not live classes so they are available all hours and...
by Anne | Mar 28, 2022 | Birds, Farm Animals, Tutorials
Chicken laying Eggs Inspired by Poppit’s pet Chicken Awww Poppit’s got two pet chickens and they got a wee bit stressed in the move …and… they are not laying eggs yet at their new house . I figure if I paint one on a rock that’s like helping raise the chicken egg...
by Anne | Mar 28, 2022 | Dogs, Tutorials
Doggy Mum rock for my gorgeous friend inspired by Elo7 My Bodog has siblings! The next litter was born and I got to visit them yesterday . 4 wk old puppies already how lucky am I my friend is an ethical breeder of Shihtzu puppies This means puppy spam , photos, videos...
by Anne | Mar 25, 2022 | Dinosaurs, Dragons & Monsters, Tutorials
Monster Madness Inspired by Annie Troe Have a beautiful day everyone- being the best you that you can be For those of you who want to understand how to create each step I use – 4 steps to rock painting 1. Drawing 2. Colour 3. Shading your rock 4. Outlines and...