Rainbow Chameleon

Rainbow Chameleon

Chameleon inspired by Vecteezy Chameleons change the color of their skin to match the environment. This one is trying to hide among my favourite paint pen colours . What are your favourite colours that you will paint your chameleon? Have an awesome day being you!...
Rainbows & Sunshine

Rainbows & Sunshine

Rainbows & Sunshine Inspired by The Universe Love it when the Universe rewards you with a rainbow don’t you? I received this cute little pocket card yesterday with this design on it . Then woke to a beautiful rainbow in the valley . So yes it’s definitely the day...
50th Birthday

50th Birthday

Anne’s 50th- Online Art retreat I will be sharing with you via online videos 35 fabulous art classes – 9 x Mixed Media 5 x Rocks 21 x Journal pages You decide if you want to make 1 or make them all ! They are not live classes so they are available all hours and...
Poppit’s pet Chicken

Poppit’s pet Chicken

Chicken laying Eggs Inspired by Poppit’s pet Chicken Awww Poppit’s got two pet chickens and they got a wee bit stressed in the move …and… they are not laying eggs yet at their new house . I figure if I paint one on a rock that’s like helping raise the chicken egg...
Dog Mum

Dog Mum

Doggy Mum rock for my gorgeous friend inspired by Elo7 My Bodog has siblings! The next litter was born and I got to visit them yesterday . 4 wk old puppies already how lucky am I my friend is an ethical breeder of Shihtzu puppies This means puppy spam , photos, videos...
Monster Madness

Monster Madness

Monster Madness Inspired by Annie Troe Have a beautiful day everyone- being the best you that you can be For those of you who want to understand how to create each step I use – 4 steps to rock painting 1. Drawing 2. Colour 3. Shading your rock 4. Outlines and...