Same image but four different shading techniques. Which one is your favourite?
1. Wet Blending
2. Solid Line Blending
3. Dot Line Blending
4. Hash Line Blending
They all give a different look to the rock but all do the same job of giving your rock some depth.
We have all the tutorials below so you can try them all. Come and share your outcome with us on FB
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Let’s chat 4 ways of shading on rocks ….

1. Touch a small dash of paint on your rock / not too much . See in the top right picture how little it is. I am doing this with an acrylic paint pen you can do the same with acrylic paint.
2. Take a damp brush and smoosh it across the area . See how far that one small dash was able to cover ? Now the trick is that dash of paint MUST be wet to do this step This is why I recommend to do a small amount . Now add another dash of paint and repeat the process .
It is two wet substances that create the shading. One is the paint it is wet and the other is the damp brush. Tip – do not have to much water on your brush . It us important to dip your brush in water but then wipe off any excess water leaving you with a damp brush
Colour in the base colour on your image – let this dry. As you used ACRYLIC PAINT pens it will only take a minute.
Colour in your image with two thin layers of colour.

ok so rinse and repeat haha colour in the base colours but this time in the shading area, use your pen and dot small dots in place.
Using pens in a fineliner size you can start drawing horizontal lines, let them dry – then vertical lines.
Grab pens HERE
When the base layer is dry you can draw solid block areas of shading colour.

It is really important the your base colour is dry before you add the dots or the will bleed.
You can also use a fine line paintbrush if you are using brushes. When dry outline in black and highlight in white.
When your colour is dry – outline in black and highlight in white.
Supplies Suggestions
Acrylic Paint
Click here – Australia
Click Here – USA & other countries
Click here – Australia
Click Here – USA & other countries
Acrylic Paint Pens
Click here – Australia
Click Here – USA & other countries
Dotting tools – CLICK HERE for a 10% discount

Our Supplies page is HERE to read up on everything you need to paint Rocks.
Learn heaps of different techniques on how to paint rocks – Right HERE
We are adding new tutorials all the time CLICK HERE for heaps of new ideas