Lets get started and the obvious supply are ROCKS , and until you start rock painting you just assume you can pop outside and grab one … but sometimes it is not that easy.
You can buy your rocks in BULK, a little more time consuming but this means you can hand pick them – HOW TO HAND PICK YOUR ROCKS
Or you may be much more interested in choosing your rocks by shape or colour – CHOOSE YOUR ROCKS BY TYPE
Did you know you can also – MAKE YOUR OWN ROCKS how fun is that!
How many varieties of paint and paint pens can there be… don’t be overwhelmed – a simple rule to stick to is use Acrylic Paint for both paint and the pens.
We have tested at great lengths acrylic paint pens and these are the ones that stand up to easy use & long lasting – WHICH PAINT PENS TO USE
Or you may be more interested in using acrylic paint and creating with brushes – HERE ARE SOME PAINTS TO LEARN ABOUT AND TRY
This can be one of the hardest things to make a decision on as there are so many opinions out there. We have tested every sealing method we recommend and share with you. There is no guesswork in what we recommend.
You need to use a sealer that is non yellowing and water resistant and at the same time does not make your colours bleed-
Paintbrushes and sponges are some tools you will want even if you use paint pens. To get a nice finish when you use acrylic paint, paintbrushes are very important. Sponges are perfect to create blended backgrounds-
If you use paint pens you still need a few handy paintbrushes for shading, finelines and sponges for blending backgrounds
Everything above will get you well and truly started in the magical world of Rock Painting – BUT – there are a few more supplies that will definitely peak your interest once you have started ….
Do you want some easy ways to get your images on rocks? From drawing to image transfer we can show you may ways-
Or you just want to vary your look – what about dotting & Mandalas? these look fantastic on rocks – SUPPLIES FOR DOTTING & MANDALAS
CLICK HERE and check out our extra supplies – lots of other fun stuff!

A gift for from us to you – FREE Ebook – CLICK HERE
‘Everything you need to start painting rocks’
We are so happy to hear you are super interested in Rock Painting and you have come to the right place as we love teaching techniques, hints & tips on some of the best ways to paint rocks.
We have painted 1000’s of rocks and shared them with our communities and in that journey we have tested heaps of methods and discovered the best ways to create painted rocks.
So we have heaps of great ideas above in the links but thought you might like this Electronic book to keep on your computer or print out if you like. You do have our permission to reproduce a copy for your personal use.
We know you are going to love Rock Painting as much as we do
Love Fran & Anne