It was great to meet up with Anjela from Happy Dotting Company at one of our rock painting evenings.
When it comes to making your own rocks she is the Guru ! She sells fabulous moulds with different shapes and if you want them for Mandala painting she has the stencil grids.
Now any friend of ours is a friend of yours and she is gifting us all 10% discount from her entire store over $10 – USA & Australian postage options. CLICK HERE
Let’s chat about how to make your own rocks…

Supplies & Tools
Moulds – Available here
Ultracal Plaster mix –
Available here USA
Click here Australia
Digital scales –
Available here USA
Disposable Gloves –
Available here USA
Click here AUSTRALIA
Icecream container & jug of water.Make sure your moulds are clean and free of debris.Having a throw away container to make your mix in is perfect for cleanup. Digital scales are a great way to weigh your mix for accuracy.

Always follow the direction on your packet of plaster for the correct mix ratio for the brand you are using.
Add the plaster to the water, not the other way around. This will help prevent lumps and give you a great smooth surface.
Use gloves and combine your plaster and water by smooshing it together with your hands.

Let the mixture sit for a few minutes in the containers to let some of the air bubbles release.
Gently fill the moulds with your mixture, you can give them a few gentle taps on the bench to get any remaining air bubbles to release.
Leave for at least 6 hours until touch dry or preferably overnight.

Before you can paint your new hand made rock you need to let it dry all the way through.
Leave on a cake cooling rack for air to circulate around the rock and leave it to dry for 2-3 days. Acrylic Paint can crack and peel if moisture is behind it.SO you want to dry the rocks well.
It will depend where you live as climate will depend on how fast your rock thoroughly dries.
If the air cannot circulate around your rock then flip it a few times while drying .

ULTRACAL 30 is a plaster cement , which creates a hard, uniform and dimensionally accurate piece.
It is a plaster of paris (calcium sulfate Hemihydrate) with portland cement and crystalline silica added. Ultracal 30 is a good multi-purpose product for people looking to upgrade from a standard plaster product to one that has a higher degree of hardness and impact resistance.
With many different shaped moulds you have great choice when making your own rocks.

There is such a great variety of shapes and sizes. Have a look HERE to see which shape appeals to you the most.
Check out the brand new moulds below – gorgeous flat rock moulds in natural shapes.The one I have painted on is 130mm high x 110mm wide.

Let’s hear from Anjela herself – She is the guru on everything you need to know about making your own rocks.
Using her moulds and tools with Ultracal30 we have successfully made our own rocks under her guidance.

Our Supplies page is HERE to read up on everything you need to paint Rocks.
Learn heaps of different techniques on how to paint rocks – Right HERE
We are adding new tutorials all the time CLICK HERE for heaps of new ideas