Hi my name is Anne and I am so glad you are here, I would love to extend to you an invitation to an exciting new Rock Project I have put together.
This project is an ‘Online course’ about Rock Painting and it is like no other – This is first and most amazing Rock Painting Course ! Not only will I guide you through the process of creating Kindness Rocks but all the proceeds raised will be used to support at risk Woman and children in Nepal – you can read about the great organisation that we support here – www.kriayt.com
What is this course all about? An online Rock Painting Course with 55 Videos 13 E-Books – and a dedicated forum for questions and answers with myself to help you, all for only $25. But read on and let me tell you more about what this is all about and how it works …And more importantly how you can contribute to at risk woman and children.

The Rock Painting Course will be presented via video format in two styles – Interview and Tutorials via closeup views of my creating desk. The videos are all high quality and cover everything you need to know about painting Kindness Rocks. We cover step by step process as well as the best supplies and how to use them (We also troubleshoot many common problems)
There are 53 videos and a wide variety of topics – the course is suitable for beginners and experienced Rock Painters. There is something for everyone.

Each Subject that we cover has a dedicated E-Book. While most of the in depth teaching is in video format – pictures of each step and instruction have been put together in a E-Book format for you to print or save to your device. Ten of the thirteen E-books included are exclusive to participants in this paid course.(newly released for this course only) The books have lovely quality pictures for you to follow if you enjoy that visual in front of you.
BONUS – Receive an updated FREE version of my ‘Colour Theory Book’

The course being offered covers everything you need to know about Rock Painting. It can help the beginner on where to start and understand step by step on how to create awesome rocks. The course also helps the more experienced rock painter with heaps of how to techniques to use on a more intermediate level rock. The Topics covered are –
1. Preparing your Rocks – 3 videos – 1 Ebook
2. Supplies and how to use them -11 Videos
3. Drawing your image on a rock – 6 Videos – 1 Ebook
4. Adding Colour to your rock – 2 Videos – 1 Ebook
5. Shading on your rock – 2 Videos – 1 Ebook
6. Outlines & Highlights – 3 Videos – 1 Ebook
7. Backgrounds – 2 Videos –
8. Tutorial on how to use paint and brushes on Rocks – 1 Video –
9. Base Coats, Blending & Backgrounds – 6 Videos – 1- Ebook
10 Waterwash techniques – 5 Videos – 1-Ebook
11. Colours and how to choose them – 2 Videos – 1 Ebook
12. Highlights & Shadows – 2 Videos
13. The 4 steps to rock painting – 3 Videos –
14. 10 Tutorials – are included in the course via videos & Ebooks
15. Sealing your rocks – 3 Videos – 1 Ebook
3 BONUS Ebooks with Tutorials

Well first things first – it has AMAZING content and it will be a fantastic recourse for your Rock Painting Sessions.
I have spent many hours putting all of this content together and I know that any other online course offering this amount of content is worth $100’s. All you have to pay to access this amazing content is $25. This $25 is a valuable amount of money for at risk women and children and when you pay this you are making a huge impact. Let me tell you more about this …..
I Believe Every Woman has the Right to Shine
I lived in Nepal for 10 years and in this time I founded an organisation called Kriayt Social Business. Part of this project is a Handicraft Group our goal is to – create a sustainable and flourishing platform where Nepali women create their handmade products and connect them to the global market and receive a fair and honest wage. Kriayt Social Business invests in the development of women with the long-term vision of encouraging self-sustainable, independent women.
Our method is to offer skill-training and employment to women from all backgrounds and social situations. We are devoted to reaching poor, marginalized and at-risk women in Nepal. We aim to help them avoid at-risk situations before they end up in them.
Kriayt is a for-profit social business, combining business know how with the desire to address social issues. We directly support the empowerment of women. Our success is measured by the social impact made rather than high profit margins. Kriayt offers an enabling environment where Women learn skills, earn a reliable income and gain the confidence to be independent. After expences remaining profit is used to give back to community needs.
For many years many women have been employed with their handicrafts enabling them to buy food for their family and pay education for their children. Like all of us Covid has affected them greatly – First with months of Lockdown where they were confined to not leaving their homes, not to shop not to go to work. Children could not attend school for 9 months. If outside they were arrested they were giving notice at 4pm that it would take affect the next day. International travel shut down for them in a country that relies on tourism as their biggest resource. A year later they are allowed in public HOWEVER the women’s handicrafts have still not been able to be shipped – the sales of these items are how their wages are paid. While they have stock in Nepal they have no tourists to sell it to and they cannot ship out of country to their Customers around the world as limited flights go in and out.
The funds from their handicrafts cover their supplies, their wages and their profits are spent in their own community on social issues. They have been very self sufficient for many years. Until now.
This is how we ALL get involved – I am offering this course for sale and when you buy it for $25 – 100% of this money will go towards the women and help pay the wages so they can continue to work and support their families until things get back to normal. I know we are all suffering during this time but these women are in a high risk situation and Nepal being a developing country they have no Government funding or other resources to rely upon. We all know how many years this will take to get back to normal.
I am hoping in these challenging times you can get onboard with us, sparkle as you do and join us in this worthy ask by buying this amazing course.
Learn more about the program you will be supporting www.kriayt.com
I intend to upkeep my commitment to woman around the world offering my daily Rock Painting tutorials through Reef Rocks Free Workshops on Facebook. I will continue to support you all in your art journey offering advice and encouragement – I see you ALL and what we share through Kindness Rocks is a valuable one – connection & friendship.