Black Cat Rock Painting Tutorial created by Anne Whitlock – Kriayts
Inspired by a Marko Gif
This rock is an annoyer …… or is it? Do you look so closely at your rock that you do not just sit back and see how fabulous it is?
Brush Strokes in the paint ☑️
Small rock what to paint ☑️
White paint on dark colours ☑️
Dings and bumps on rock/☑️
My rocks are an beautiful way for me to have some creative time early in the morning over a few cups of tea. My goal is to have rocks to share with my community so the more I can create the better. So I am not so fussy spending hours on a rock trying to get something right? right compared to what? 😂
This is one of those small rocks that sit on the back of my desk. When I have too much paint on whatever I am painting, journal, canvas etc I take my brush or finger and wipe the paint on a rock. Then I leave it there to create on it one day. This has a mix of purple, blues, white and gold. So it came into being… a different than the norm lkinda chosen background. So the rock sat there until I found this big eye cat wanting to be painted. And it works, it suits her mood.
Brush Strokes – Yep they are there, why? That is because I am using a very heavy body paint so it retains the brush strokes. Way around that? Sure is, change the paint type and make sure you are using a soft bristle brush.
White that paints over dark colours? As an acrylic paint yes it absolutely should! If your paint does not layer opaque over another colour you are using a poor quality paint that lacks qty and quality in its pigment. (unless you are using a high flow paint which is transparent by nature)
Small rock? Yes it is, you do not have to paint something that takes hours and is a grand masterpiece to spread joy. Colour on a rock that someone finds abandoned in the community will always spread joy.
You know I always share WHY things happen, like brush strokes etc. It is a learning to understand why but it is also a learning to understand small things just do not matter. There are many things to avoid on painted rocks so they have a long lasting life – that is true. Your art ability is not one, the art you create on a rock is perfect for the skill you have today. Tomorrow it will be a tad bit better as you have practiced a bit more.
The person is so excited finding your rock and joyous in themselves. Trust me when I say the last thing they are doing is picking up a rock and judging the techniques. So stop being so hard on yourself. Oh and if you are saying unkind things about another persons rock online – rethink that.
I will share something that is not a secret – Your rocks are FABULOUS and so are you!
Keep Shining my fellow rock stars you are amazing – have fun creating 🧡🤎

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Draw the design on your rock.  CLICK HERE to learn how to transfer your image on to your rock. 

Colour on your rock – I have painted a nice even layer. You do not want to paint it to thick. The more layers on the rock the more chance it has of peeling off later as the water in the paint evaporates. Click on the image below to find out how best to paint on rocks!.

Shading makes all the difference to the end result. Adds depth to the Image.
I use clean water and a size 2 or 4 filbert taklon paintbrush CLICK HERE to learn the technique –

Use a black colour pen and outline  the image, Great pens for outlines are Posca 1m, !mr or the 0.7m size in Tooli-Art or Artistro.

And if you want to add a touch of highlight –  pop on a few dots and dashes of white paint .
You can find awesome fine Pens to help you with this here


Do you want to watch  videos on how to draw rock images?Click Here or on the picture above or belowand let me share this with you –

I would love to extend to you an invitation to an exciting new Rock Project I have put together.

This project is an ‘Online course’ about Rock Painting and it is like no other – This is the first and most amazing Rock Painting Course ! Not only will I guide you through the process of creating Kindness Rocks but find out how Kindness Rocks help support at risk Woman and children in Nepal.

What is this course all about? An online Rock Painting Course with 55 Videos, 13 E-Books – and a dedicated forum for questions and answers with myself to help you. JUMP on this link to JOIN US

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Below are some awesome products we used to create this tutorial and many others. If you need supplies, consider buying through us. The seller pays a small commission (not you) and this contributes  to the costs of sharing tutorials.  More products can be found here SHOP NOW