Toucan anyone? I love this easy way of creating the background , I’ll share with you the techniques under the photos.


This image was inspired by artist Gareth Evens .

I used 3m tip – acrylic paint pens
Dip your pen in to clean water – have a small cup of water by your side.
When the pen is drippy scribble on your rock , it will be quite water heavy . You need to leave it undisturbed to dry .the water evaporates and translucent versions of the paint remains .
Keep swapping out your colours
I used
Light green

Sketch on your image with hb pencil
Then outline in a black acrylic paint pen
When the pen dries erase the pencil

Colour in base colours

The trick while shading is to layer up the eyes.

Go for uneven edges to achieve the look.

Yay you ! You know have an awesome Toucan !

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